Downtown takes over the Ekka!

Brisbane EKKA: The Melodious sounds of the Downtown Creative Studios students could be heard throughout the Flower and Garden Precinct on Saturday the 18th of August. We took over the Flower and Garden stage at the Old Museum with back to back performers between 10am and 4pm. We were blown away by the confidence and professionalism shown by …

Homestead Competition Wrap Up

Downtown Students Compete at Homestead It was with bleary eyes that we arrived in Caboolture on Saturday morning at 8am for the Homestead Youth Talent Expo. A few coffees in and we were having a blast listening to all the amazing kids from all over Queensland performing. We had our very own Josie Hawley entered …

Hamze family win big in Bundaberg music competition

Downtown singing/guitar student Sarah Hamze has won overall juvenile champion at the Bundaberg country music competition over the weekend. Sarah managed to walk away with 3 first place trophies, 2 second place trophies as well as the top prize of overall champion. Her siblings Amira and Ricardo also walked away with 3 third place trophies …