Homestead Competition Wrap Up

Downtown Students Compete at Homestead

It was with bleary eyes that we arrived in Caboolture on Saturday morning at 8am for the Homestead Youth Talent Expo. A few coffees in and we were having a blast listening to all the amazing kids from all over Queensland performing. We had our very own Josie Hawley entered as well as Amira, Ricardo and Sarah Hamze.

After 9 hours of bootscooting to country music, the competition wrapped up and we had some great results with our very own Sarah Hamze taking out the grand prize of “Overall Winner”. Sarah has won a full scholarship to the Academy of Country Music in Tamworth. A HUGE congratulations to Sarah for all her hard work and we are so proud of all our wonderful Downtown students who entered!

Competition Results:

Sarah Hamze 
1st Place Vocal Solo – 12 years and under
2nd Place Australian Country song – 12 years and under
2nd Place Original Song (tied with her sister)
1st Place Open Group (along with all the Hamze’s featuring the lovely Brianna Dinsdale)
2nd Place Vocal Duet (Featuring the lovely Brianna Dinsdale)
1st Place Modern Country – 12 years and under
1st Place Anything But Country
Winner: Juvenile Champion – 12 years and under
Winner: Overall Champion

Amira Hamze
3rd Place Australian Country Song – 13 – 17 years
2nd Place Original Song (tied with her sister)
1st Place Open Group (along with all the Hamze’s featuring the lovely Brianna Dinsdale)

Ricardo Hamze 
3rd Place Open Instrumental
1st Place Open Group (along with all the Hamze’s featuring the lovely Brianna Dinsdale)

Josie Hawley
Winner: Overall Encouragement award

We are so proud of all of you and can’t wait to show off the photos!
(Keep an eye on our facebook page).

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